Messages From the Grave

Over the years, I’ve had a number of messages from the grave that have convinced me more and more of the truth of these words:

Humans are Spirit, plain and simple, housed in human bodies. Some speak of Angels and Gods, but there is no difference. The essence of Man is the exact same Spirit.

If you took a bunch of human body parts and sewed them together you would not have a Human Being, you would have a body. The body is not the true form. The true form is the energy or spirit within.

Gwenneth Morgan
The Essence of Man

The first came from my grandmother…

My twin sister became close with my grandmother in her final years; I never really knew her well. They discussed what death might be like and wondered if it was possible connect in some way afterward. My grandmother promised she would, if she could.

Soon after she passed, my sister had a very vivid dream. My grandmother appeared to her and told her that death is not to be feared. “It’s just like walking through a door,” she said. We were both greatly comforted by this, and also intrigued by the words she used. There was no mention of white light, loved ones or heaven; just walking through a door. Interesting.

Then my husband…

When my husband was diagnosed with cancer, we were in the middle of an ugly divorce. He was given six months to live and that’s exactly what he got. He died two years after I left him, on nearly the same day.

My first contact with him after he died was the feeling of being pushed as I was stepping into the shower. It wasn’t like my foot slipped on the floor of the tub. I was propelled forward as a result of force applied to my right shoulder, but there was no one in the room with me. Without even thinking, I looked over my shoulder and the word, “Dick” came out of my mouth. It was him.

Since I had already left him, I assumed my feelings were clear. If he wanted to be mad, fine. My primary concern was the children. I had them meet with a therapist and attend a grief counseling center, but didn’t even acknowledge that I might need support. I was seeing a chiropractor for pain even before he died and one day she said,

“I want you to go home, lay back, and clear your mind. Close your eyes and, in your mind, say all the things you want to say to your husband. Then, and this is important, wait for a response.”

At first, I felt a little silly, but I did it. Then I was pissed. In my mind I unloaded all my anger at him, breathing heavily and adrenaline racing. I remembered my doctor telling me to wait for a response, so I did. In my mind I could see myself standing defensively with my chin out waiting for his angry response. What I got was the sensation of being kissed, and my mind was completely blown. There’s no way that came from me. I could never have guessed or made up a response like that.

After that I softened toward him a bit. I started to hear him in my head regularly which rekindled my anger. I used the same kind of technique to tell him he was unwelcome in my head unless invited and remind him that I only promised “until death do us part.” In the last 10 years, I’ve only heard him a few times when he has something important to say to our children, which I am glad to relay for them.

And my best friend…

My best friend from my college days was still my best friend over 30 years later. We shared a variety of living spaces between the ages of 19 and 25, and after that we never lived in the same state. It didn’t matter. Every time we talked, we picked up right where we left off, even if a year or more had passed in between.

2019 found each of us in a particularly vulnerable place due to life changes and various traumatic events. I needed a safe place to heal and regroup while she needed someone to stay with her for company and emotional support. It was the perfect opportunity for us to reunite, and so we did.

For 6 months, it was just like old times. We got along beautifully without any effort. She even had a chance to get to know my son, her god-son. Then she went on her dream vacation to France and died while she was there. As you can imagine, it was a devastating blow.

Soon after I heard, I was sitting outside and a tiny bird came flying over and landed in a bush nearby. It stared at me for a long time and then flew away, only to return to the same bush, again staring right at me. The sky filled with dark clouds, the wind picked up, and it rained for about 10 minutes. Then it stopped, the sky cleared, and the tiny bird flew away. Later, when I told my son, he said there was no way it had rained anywhere in the area that day. Odd.

About a month later she came to me in a very vivid dream. In fact, I had no idea I was dreaming at all. As far as I knew, we were just sitting and chatting like we had done thousands of times before. She asked me a question and I said, “Oh, I haven’t done that since you died.” After hearing those words I said, “Hey yeah! You died! How is that?” She said, “It’s fine. It’s boring.” And then I woke up.

I still hear her in my head today, and I take great comfort in it. She is welcome to chime in any time she likes and it always warms my heart to feel like she is still right here with me.


I’ve had some other experiences like these or “messages from the grave”, but this post is already long enough. The main thing I’ve gathered from them is there are worse things than death. In fact, the other side of the veil seems to be our true home and this 3D existence is more like the coolest ride in their best amusement park.